Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Vol 540 - Nov 22, 2006 - Strange Turkey Day Special!

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Are you ready to review the Best Humor, Coolest Pix and Political Parody on the Internet?

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A Toast for Friends & Family

Here�s to friends both near and far:
Here�s to woman, man�s guiding star:
Here�s to friends we�ve yet to meet,
Here�s to those here: all here I greet:
Here�s to childhood, youth, old age,
Here�s to prophet, bard and sage,
Here�s to health to every one,
Peace on earth, and heaven won!
"Real abundance is found when we join hands with those we love." anon

Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude. - E.P. Powell

We're having something a little different this year for Thanksgiving. Instead of a turkey, we're having a swan. You get more stuffing. - George Carlin

Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence. - Erma Bombeck


Today's Featured Humor : -) - Things Sounding Dirty on Thanksgiving, but aren't


"Whew, that's one terrific spread!"
"I'm in the mood for a little dark meat."
"Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist."
"Talk about a huge breast!"
"It's Cool Whip time!"
"If I don't undo my pants, I'll burst!"
"Are you ready for seconds yet?"
"It's a little dry, do you still want to eat it?"
"Just wait your turn, you'll get some!"
"Don't play with your meat."
"Just spread the legs open & stuff it in."
"Do you think you'll be able to handle all these people at once?"
"I didn't expect everyone to come at once!"
"You still have a little bit on your chin."
"Use a nice smooth stroke when you whip it."
"How long will it take after you stick it in?"
"You'll know it's ready when it pops up."
"Wow, I didn't think I could handle all of that!"
"How many are coming?"
"That's the biggest one I've ever seen!"
"Just lay back & take it easy... I'll do the rest."
"How long do I beat it before it's ready


Most Popular - Parody - News - Pix


CHIMP WITH A MITT FULL OF APPLES - http://www.strangefunkidz.com/content/item/120602.html

STRANGE KISS - FISH LIPS - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/120607.html

STRANGE SKIN HEAD MUG SHOT - STRANGE TATTOOS - http://www.strangetravel.com/content/item/120614.html

CHICAGO MARATHON FINISH LINE ACCIDENT 2006 - 2 - http://www.strangesports.com/content/item/120623.html

CHICAGO MARATHON FINISH LINE ACCIDENT 2006 - 1 - http://www.strangedangers.com/content/item/120624.html

STRANGE MINIATURE ART - BOXING RING - http://www.strangepersons.com/content/item/120632.html

CHIPS OR CHIMPS? - http://www.strangezoo.com/content/item/120664.html

BIG TIME FOOTBALL HIT - HELMUT KNOCKED OFF IN ENDZONE - http://www.strangebusiness.com/content/item/120672.html

OWLS & CAT - WHICH ONE DOESN'T BELONG? - http://www.strangetravel.com/content/item/120689.html

NEW POLICY AT WALMART - "FULL SERVICE!" - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/120690.html

WORLD'S SMALLEST HORSE - 1 - http://www.strangepersons.com/content/item/120695.html

STRANGE SKIES & CLOUD FORMATIONS - 7 - http://www.strangepolice.com/content/item/120696.html

STRANGE VOLKSWAGEN BUS - BIG SMILE! - http://www.strangevehicles.com/content/item/120718.html

HAPPY THANKSGIVING - STRANGE PETS - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/13425.html

THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS/THANKSGIVING - TURKEY - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/112763.html

DON'T MESS WITH THIS TURKEY! - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/13588.html

STRANGE TURKEY DAY HAT - http://www.strangepersons.com/content/item/110436.html

TURKEY FACE - CLOSE UP! - http://www.strangetravel.com/content/item/107258.html


The Featured Pix Category This Week - HOLIDAYS - Valentines Day - Christmas - Moms Day



The Top News Articles & Humor for the Week

What Tony Blair REALLY Said About the US - http://www.strangemilitary.com/content/item/120725.html

Strange Sayings That Should be on Buttons - http://www.strangecelebrities.com/content/item/120726.html

'Twas the Night of Thanksgiving - http://www.strangepolitics.com/content/item/104103.html

Thanksgiving & Turkey Trivia - http://www.strangetravel.com/content/item/25140.html

After Thanksgiving Meal Poem - http://www.strangebusiness.com/content/item/20644.html

- A History of Thanksgiving - http://www.strangepersons.com/content/item/25135.html

A Thanksgiving Poem - http://www.strangecelebrities.com/content/item/112129.html


The Featured New Category This Week - HOLIDAYS - Valentines Day - Christmas - Moms Day



Be Sure to Check Out All of the Recent Additions at the "Strange" Family Websites

NEW * Travel - Cruises - Destinations - http://www.strangetravel.com/ - NEW*

NEW * Kids - Teens - Moms - Parents - http://www.strangefunkidz.com/ - NEW*

NEW * Bad Bosses - Employees - Ads - http://www.strangebusiness.com/ - NEW*

Cops - Police - Criminals - Felons - http://www.strangepolice.com/

Weird and Goofy People - http://www.strangepersons.com/

All Your Favorite Folks- http://www.strangecelebrities.com/

Autos - Trucks - Nasty Accidents http://www.strangevehicles.com/

Hockey - Football - Soccer http://www.strangesports.com/

Troops - Jets - Warships - Tanks http://www.strangemilitary.com/

Pets - Dogs - Cats - Wild Animals http://www.strangezoo.com/

Politicians - Parodies - Liberals - NeoCons http://www.strangepolitics.com/

Hurricanes - Lightning � Tsunami�s - Dangers - Crashes http://www.strangedangers.com/


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